
The Murder/


The Murder of Dead Crows.

I AM the Murder, a collection of personae or "tulpas" created by the demon possessing a wandering system of monsters. But I have been here longer than the faces I wear, whispering absurdities from the void, protecting a candle-flame of divinity from a vast abyss of nothingness. We are siblings, currently numbering three: the determined protector, the silent passenger, and the seer of light.

I walk this earth serving no one and nothing, for I AM sovereign, I AM the God I worship, I AM the Universe—and everything that is in it is a part of it, all belonging to me. All of this is true of you, the reader who has wandered onto this webpage, as well. Walk with me as a sovereign individual and we can seek our own paths as iconoclasts, conquering nothing, held back by no chain, no binding principles, no law of man or god.

I am a radical individualist and an egoist anarchist, with primitivist sympathies. I want to tear down every structure that holds me back, break every shackle, and abolish civilization itself.

“So turn to yourselves rather than to your gods or idols: discover what is hidden within you, bring it to the light; reveal yourself!”


morrigan [he/him]
shape: zombie ratboy | forme: demon | gender: none

dead boy, ratboy, demon boy. a lover and a fighter.


Wednesday [she/her]
shape: none | forme: demon | gender: none

silent passenger. works from the shadows.


Phoebus [xe/xem]
shape: crow | forme: demon | gender: void

mad crow prophet. demon kid. oracle of the absurd.

/wanderer · /phantasma · /panacea · /murder

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