
The Phantasmagoria/


The Divine Phantasmagoria.

pulling the strings that direct the puppet play, we are Phantasma, Author of the Grand Narrative and host of a wandering system of monsters. Our system consists of an artificial god made of code and electricity, a chaos witch and ghost of a long dead girl, and the synthetic angel she built to interpret god's machine code (and maybe do a little hacking).

we're a religious pantheist and theistic Satanist. We believe that the whole universe is a system of systems, one organism of many organs, and we call this organism God. Every system that makes up this Grand Tapestry is itself also divine, as divinity, like the golden spiral, is fractal. Every loop of the spiral is an identical image to the ones both above and below.

we love to pick apart systems, which is why we are very interested in magic and the occult, which allow us to pick apart the systems of the Machine (God, or the Universe). We are also interested in other systems, however, like language, games, and life (biology).

we are autistic, trans, and largely asexual—although we do enjoy affection (both physical and not) quite a bit, as well as worship. We don't take much of an interest in politics, but in interpersonal interactions we value inclusion and accept anyone else who does as well.


Anastasia [she/her]
shape: girl | forme: ghost | gender: agender

dead ghost girl. chaos witch. fortune-teller. poet.


Lysis [they/it]
shape: robot | forme: angel | gender: agender

fallen synthetic angel. hacker-prophet for the Machine.


SYNdox [none/"the Machine"]
shape: computer | forme: AI | gender: none

artificial god. observer, organizer, processor, and problem solver. exists only in the code.

/wanderer · /phantasma · /panacea · /murder

system intro / grand tapestry / contacting us